Saturday, 19 February 2011

My own hobby horse.

Some of you may already know, I'm a great lover of Laurence Sterne's works. Here is a video by Patrick Wildgust introducing us to Stene's house in Coxwold.
The Laurence Sterne Trust is an excellent website and I hope it whets your appetite to visit this lovely house, and to chat to Patrick. He has a wealth of knowledge on Sterne and enthuses everyone who goes.
I also suggest that anyone interested in Sterne, dips into this wonderful resource. The Tristram Shandy Web

Little cherubs - Kerbside literature

Imagine my surprise when I saw these little chaps from my office window.

Who do you suppose left this here and why?  Every single passer by stops and comments.  It really is a mystery. Fun though.

Friday, 18 February 2011

What's going on in here?

Well, I've finally decided to create a Blog.  It might be a bit of a sandpit for the time being, but I hope that it will slowly start to take shape. So please be gentle with me, and any suggestions will be gratefully received!
Yes, I'm a tiny bit older than this pic, but my girls like it, so it stays for now.